Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy December!

I know I havent been blogging, this semester has really been killing me with my time and tons of homework. But back to December ( love Taylor Swift btw) I love December. Everything about the month makes me happy. The cold, hot coffee, snuggling in my warm blanket. It's the best. My Lily is born in December as well. We planned her party for the tenth. I am do excited shes excited! And who could forget Christmas! I love buying the kids gifts and trying to find things I know will make them happy!!! I will try to post more often. Later.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Free Beauty Bag

Yesterday, I received my Sample from target! It's a beauty bag filled with samples! I forgot all about it since I requested it back like in July. I was so excited to receive it tho. Its so pretty. I love the pattern and the feel is kinda like a silky feeling. It came with samples that I would definitely use.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat...

Happy Halloween! I hope everyone enjoys today! Be safe, be careful!
So far today has been eventful. Lily's school had a harvest festival and we took lots of pictures! I will post them either later or tomorrow. We carved pumpkins! They look really neat. Later tonight we are taking the kids trick or treating! What are your doing on this festive holiday?

Friday, October 28, 2011

Desert Botanical Garden

Today, I took a trip to the Arizona Desert Botanical Garden. My friend and I went to help a student from the university of Alaska with research data for his doctrine.

There's a few trails but we decided to just take the one needed for the experiment. We saw some interesting plants. We were hoping to see a snake or tortoise, we saw a few birds. Here are some pics that I have edited with filters . Just to make them a little more eye catching!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

My Dad.

I grew up without my dad in my life. I mean he was in my life, but only about 2-3 times a year. maybe he would come by around Christmas, or my birthday, and sometimes in-between, sometimes not. I am not blaming him. I am not blaming me. It just the way it happened. It was mostly a financial relationship, he would give me money when I wanted it. That would be those 2 or 3 times he came.I did go with him to California for a weekend. It was awkward most of the time. I also went to Mexico with him for a week, that was truly an experience. Imagine being in a country, where you don't know the language ( I know very little Spanish) with a dad who you barley know. With his family. I was so scared to eat anything. just because of the rumors. I did find a website about the city that my dad is from and where I visited.  I remember my junior and senior year I was in need of more money. The only solution was my dad.
I see him about the same now. My birthday, my kid's birthdays and Christmas. I decided this needs to change so I recently told my dad we would visit him at least once a month to form a closer bond. I want my kids to know him. I went for September already and it was interesting. We had a BBQ and I spent most of the time with my half brother and half sister. While lily played outside with her aunts. They're the same age. But it's a good thing I guess. She can at least be close to them. I will keep you updated on our progress.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Book of the week ( or until I finish it)

I just started it, I am still in the first chapter. I really like it so far. Usually if I am not into it by the end of the second chapter, I don't finish it. I will keep you updated!

Second Chance

Summer Readings

So as you know I have been away. Well I also caught up on some reading. I really enjoyed just doing things for me this summer. I love my family but I just needed a few moment to my self. So the month of July and August these are the books I read. BTW ( I am a kid at heart haha)


New Moon


Breaking Dawn

Nanny Diaries

Harry Potter - and the Deathly Hallows

For One More Day

Did you catch up on any books this summer? Any recommendations? 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Im back!

     Well I have been extremely busy! I finished summer school with straight A's. Yay. Go me.I really worked hard on those classes. I just wanted them done and over with. I am glad they are in the past. This semester I am taking 17 credits. I have no idea how I did that without realizing it. I am taking BIO 108 Plants and Culture, MAT213 Calculus,  CIS 105 Computer survey, PSY 142 People and Culture, MGT 253 Small business Management. The course work seems pretty good, so far. So we will see how much busier it gets towards finals. (I shiver at the word) But most of my time goes to homework. I will be updating now, that I am in school more, and I have free time.
     I also  had gotten a part- time/ temporary job. At the college bookstore.  That was fun. But I was at school from 7-7 . Half school, half work. The month of August is really a blur to me now. I did run into some bad luck, my vehicle broke down (still broken) . I had/have trouble with my financial aid. Its still being worked out. But good news is the job is now over. I have a little more free time now, haha. 

       My family is doing great. My little Sammy is potty training. He is only 16 months. He wanted to go on the potty because his sister went and that how it all started. He doesnt tell us all the time. But he yanks off his diaper when he wants to sit down. Its so cute. Im proud of him for making the effort. My Lily is getting bigger currently we are working on her ABC's. She is a really great artist.

This is her face she drew. Lily 3 yrs old.
  I will put up family pictures as soon as I find my sim card.
          I also recently went to visit my dad, I will be posting  about it later. But that was interesting. I am trying to involve him more in my life.
What have you been up to?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hello Chica's!

Lily swimming in her level 3 floaties!

Sammy loves water now.

I have neglected this blog. I am sorry. I have been so stressed with summer school, and just life. I just had no time to post.

Summer has been very busy for me, hardly any time off. I have read a few books here and there. Usually in between everything. I forgot how much I enjoy reading. I am going to go back to reading. I am determined to go back to the public library and getting my card renewed.

I have gotten a temporary summer job at the boo store at my school. This means I can get a huge discount on my text books for fall. I am very excited about saving money.

I haven't did much shopping but I will be posting what I have bought and old items that I have bought and never posted. I've taken pictures but just never really had the time.

My kids are growing so much. My Lily save her cousin from drowning. Shes an incredible artist and dancer. She is truly talented. I cant wait for her to go back to her dance classes in September. Sam is growing like crazy and hes a fish when it comes to the pool, he doesn't ever want to get out. He's a little dancer too. He bops his head and spins in a little circle. He has always been a daddy's boy. I came home from work today and he was so excited to see me. He looked at me and said "momma momma." I wanted to cry. I love my babies.

My husband and  I have been good. We have gotten in little arguments here and there. But what married couple doesn't argue. We have been house sitting for a family member and were on our own vacation here. Away from the family for awhile. Quiet time together with the kids. We have been in the pool all week. Its nice to have a pool, especially in Arizona.

About my weird bad habbit. I have progressed a little. I dont do it as often as before maybe three times a day. Thats way better than what it used to be. Well thats is so far. I will have more posts soon.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Weird Bad Habit

This is a post dedicated to my weirdest bad habit! It strange for me to admit this, but I am trying to stop doing it.

My weird habit involves Q-tips. I am OCD about clean ears. If my ear feels funny I clean it. I walk into the bathroom, I grab one and clean my ears. I will wake up in the middle of the night to clean my ears. I have had a few ear infections due to cleaning my ears so much. There is no wax for water to bead out so it stays in and i get swimmer ear. ( thats what i think its called). Ear infections hurt, if you have never gad one, feel very lucky! We also, go through so many boxes of the 1000 pack Q-tips it isnt even funny.

The cure: well I have decided to purchase only one box, for my family. My husband will then hide them from me . I will go one month without cleaning my ears. I know disgusting. My ears are ringing as I type this. But I feel it is something I need to do. I heard it take 24 days to break a habit. So here we go! Wish me luck.

What is your weirdest bad habit?
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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Make-Up Gone Bad

There are a few makeup mishaps, that when I see on a day to day basis, well I cringe. This is my opinion. I know I am by no means an expert but these are a few things we should stay away from.

1.  Spider Lashes Syndrome ::


  This is what happens after continuous strokes of mascara. If you have small eye lashes like mine.  I like to use a primer. Then apply a good mascara.
  Apply the primer to eyelashes. Then place finger on eyelid and lift up . Apply Mascara to  the bottom of your eye lashes and go up. Then apply to all the  entire lashes two or three coats is good.

2. Too Bold::

This is a result of trying a bold color and its just  to much. Choose one bold color either eyes or lips. Not both.

Done right
3. Lipstick Teeth::

I know sometimes we are in a hurry and we need to apply lipstick stat. This takes one second take finger and swipe across teeth. A mirror also works really well!

4.  Sharpie Eyebrows:: 

This also applies to number 3
Stay away from pencils for extra thickness in eye brows use  a powder. If you accidentally apply to much it can be brushed off easier.

5. Wong Foundation Color::

Always ask for help every time you buy foundation. Also blend, blend,blend. I also like to apply a little foundation on my neck as well.

6. Too Much Blush::

Apply a little blush at a time.  If your lighter skin use a light blush, Medium a little deeper pink and so on.

***Again this is my own opinion. I dont mean to offend anyone. Images from google images. ***

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Willy Wonka (Lilys first Recital)

             Lily had her very first recital yesterday. There were two shows. Tony and Lily also did a Daddy/ Daughter Dance. It was so adorable. Lily was the smallest. It was really adorable. The rest of the show was amazing too. These kids have alot of talent.  They wouldn't let me take any pictures of the recital or video. They are going to make a DVD for the parents but it wont be ready until mid July. I will try to upload it when it come out.
Lily and her friend Mia

Lily at a meeting.
I love her cheesy smiles.

Lily the Lollipop

Daddy/ Daughter Dance

Lily and Tony
Daddy / daughter

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Dollar Store haul

I decided I need to start saving more money. I need to shop smarter. I went to the dollar store the other day for a gift bag and I found store brand makeup! I was surprised I had never looked in the beauty isle before. I thought to myself I would give it a whirl. Here is what I found.

All Maybeline Products.

This is what I purchased. Shadow Stylist
  • Trendy blue
  • Sleek  Brown 
  • Vintage Champagne
  • Contemporary White

Limited Edition Eye Shadows
  • Copper Diamond
  • Turquoise Diamond
Copper Diamond

Turquoise Diamond

Shadow Stylist.
I am not to fond of the Shadow Stylist all though they applied wonderfully on my arm they didn't do the same on my eye lid. It sort of bunched up. I think I would give them to my daughter to play with. 
Rating: *

I did like the Limited edition eye shadow in Copper Diamond, the turquoise did not go well with my skin tone. It doesn't stay on long, but maybe e a good primer would change that.

Rating: ***

This is my own opinion. I purchased these myself. New rating system (see below)

Ratings :
*              Lily's new make up stash (play makeup of course)   wont buy again.
**             Okay will not  buy again
***           Liked it maybe buy again
****         Liked buy it again
*****       Love it buy it again, Tell everyone

Drug Store Haul

I love clearance. I'm an addict when it comes to clearance. So when I found a basket full of cosmetics my heart skipped a beat.  I am tyring to branch out in the different make up I purchase so here is what I got.

L'oreal H.I.P Metallics Shadow Duo in Sculpted.

Max Factor # 60

Max Factor #110

Physicians Formula Shimmer Stripes  in Rosy Glow

The max factor lip duos didn't have a name, they might have on the box,
but I forgot to check before i threw them in the recycle.
I will do swatches next week.